Kryon Lightworker

Kryon's definition of a Lightworker is "a Human who realizes that there’s more to life than has been seen in 3D reality, and therefore is trying to increase his or her awareness by spiritual means. There are as many Lightworker “types” as there are Humans. Some are in the discovery stage and some are in the active stage of having identified themselves, and have moved to a place where they’re able to increase their vibration, and therefore affect the very dirt of the planet...."


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#1 Question of the Day

Thursday, March 09, 2006

"Don't Think Like a Human" says Kryon

While reading and learning from Book II, I obtained my first sign from spirit that I was truly "remembering". --Although it was sort of a uncomfortable experience, the next experience was beautiful and I LOVE to have it happen Often!!

One night my husband was extremely upset about our financial situation and bills piling up. I did my best to 'spread the light' but to no avail. He was still extremely upset and could not see the light at all. Then it happened. I FELT HIS PAIN and ANGER. Oh it hurt, it was just so sad. I wasn't sure what was happening and I left the room and hid in the bathroom so he wouldn't see me cry. I wasn't sad for me, my 'soul' was hurt by feeling HIS FEELINGS. I could totally understand what he was feeling and it hurt.

The next day I shared this with my friend, whom I've mentioned since the first post. From now on I'll call her "Cina"(not her actual name) to give her a name I can reference. Cina replied immediately that this was a "good thing" and what it actually was; that I was becoming sensitive to others' feelings. Cina's angels were elated for me because this was my first step... my first sign. They sent me messages to continue my work.

So the other side of the coin is that I can feel someone's HAPPINESS AND JOY! Love, Humor, and so much more. This doesn't happend all the time, I don't just walk by someone and this happens (although it can). It happens more when I am conversing with the person. Which happened just a few minutes ago, which is why I began this post. My husband called with some news of excitement for himself and I could feel his joy and happiness; what a wonderful feeling!

You may ask couldn't you feel these things before reading Kryon? The answer is Yes, I could have, but I didn't. I was too overwhelmed with MY PROBLEMS, ME EGO, and I had to see the veil slightly lifted, and receive my gifts before I could even see the most subtle signs of spirit.

Have I received other 'subtle' signs?
Yes!! One was not so 'subtle'!

What are they??

Find out in the next post!!

posted by Color Goddess at 11:57 AM

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Color Goddess
Location: Texas

Happily married mom of one elementary age daughter whom I homeschool. *~Sharing God's Divine Love with my Brother's and Sisters~*

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Kryon Book 1 "The End Times"
The Disappearance of the Universe
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