Kryon Lightworker

Kryon's definition of a Lightworker is "a Human who realizes that there’s more to life than has been seen in 3D reality, and therefore is trying to increase his or her awareness by spiritual means. There are as many Lightworker “types” as there are Humans. Some are in the discovery stage and some are in the active stage of having identified themselves, and have moved to a place where they’re able to increase their vibration, and therefore affect the very dirt of the planet...."


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#1 Question of the Day

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mayan Calendar Readings

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My Reading:

Day tone. 4 is Self-Existing, Define Form-Measuring
Yellow Warrior is the Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome.
White Dog is the Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus. (Self-Existing) Yellow Sun is the Seal of the Day, Destiny. Blue Storm is the Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power.
Red Dragon is the Occult of the Day, the Hidden power.
Yellow Self-Existing Sun
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Polar Clan- Fire

My Prayer:
I define in order to enlighten
Measuring life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of intelligence
I am a polar kin I convert the yellow galactic spectrum
July 12 1971

Self-Existing - Tone of the day
Tone 4 Self-Existing
Seal of the Day, Destiny
Yellow Sun (AHAU) Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 160 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones). Self-Existing - Tone of the day

Tone of the day
Tone 4 Self-Existing, creative power to Define Form,action of Measuring.
Daily meditation- What is the form of the action to obtain the wavespell goal?

Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome
Yellow Warrior (CIB) Questions and emphasizes Intelligence.
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.

Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus
White Dog (OC) Loves and emphasizes Heart (truth).
The seal for the Anitpode of the day enhances the oracle reading with Challenging power (strengthening memory, reconstruction).

Planetary - Occult tone of the day
Occult of the Day, the Hidden power
Red Dragon
Red Dragon (IMIX) Nurtures and emphasizes Birth.
The seal for the Occult of the day enhances the oracle reading with Hidden power (the unexpected).

Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power
Blue Storm (CAUAC) Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation.
The seal for the Analog of the day enhances the oracle reading with Like-Minded power (galactic-solar planetary power).

Magnetic - First tone of the wavespell
Tone one starts the Wavespell
Tone 1 Magnetic, creative power to Unify Purpose,action of Attraction

Tone 1 Magnetic
Magnetic - First tone of the wavespell
Seal for Wavespell
Red Earth
Red Earth (CABAN) Evolves and emphasizes Navigation.
The seal for the Wavespell sets the emphasis of the thirteen day, thirteen tone cycle.

Self-Existing - Tone of the year
Tone of the Year
Tone 4 Self-Existing, creative power to Define Form,action of Measuring

Tone 4 Self-Existing
Self-Existing - Tone of the year
Seal of the Year, Destiny
Red Moon
Red Moon (MULAC) Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water.
The seal of the year is the basis of life destiny, with the power of the solar tribe.

posted by Color Goddess at 8:52 AM


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Past Life Regression

A Sylvia Browne Technique to clear past lives:

This is NOT in Sylvia's words; just the words of someone whom had used this technique.

Lay down and call in your angels, guides or masters whomever you feel comfortable with and ask for their assistance (apparently they require that we ask that was a big thing for me) Anyway, once you are fully relaxed ask to be taken to the point of entry. The higher self understands that phrase and will immediately go to the past life in which the event occurred.

Remember to take the observor position and if it becomes too emotional say go back to observor. After you have seen enough slowly slowly bring yourself back to the present moment. I used candles, no particular kind.

posted by Color Goddess at 6:27 PM


Firstly you need to let go of all the other stuff like past life stuff others peoples energy that you are storing like for example every time you go out into public and are not protected or have boundaries you can be a sponge for other peoples thoughts and negativity (hey I think we have all been there). Another thing is entities from the lower astrals some entities are things we have created and just hang around in the lower astral dimension (remember every thought you have is a creation) lost souls, or just bad tthings who feed off your negative emotion that’s how they survive through your ego.

The way to form healthy boundaries is as follows (I have recorded meditations for these will send it to you if you want)

1. ground yourself, should be done daily ( this helps you stay focused on you not anyone Elsa)
2. clear you aura should be done daily ( this takes away what is not yours and gives you protection an extra boost)
3. surround yourself with protection should be done daily ( this is a definite all the time make sure you have healthy boarders up, this stops unwanted attachments)
4. Clear you spinal pathway (this stops the stronger entities and helps with your connection to God). Should be done once a week or when you feel heavy.
5. Get rid of your past life its pretty easy all you do when you go to bed is say a pray something like God please clear any thing I am hanging onto from my past life I have been there and experienced it and now it is time for me to move on and just let it go if you make a big deal about it it will be a big deal to lets go but I believe the past is our past why sit on it and try and figure out how to solve it when we don’t even live in that life any more. (do this once you don’t need to do it again just have faith that God is taken it from you and let it be)
6. Cut Cord with those around you remember cords of love can never be cut I also have a few meditations relating to cutting cord that I have recorded by amorah quan yin using rose so once again if you want them let me know

These steps will get you ready for the real work these steps will take every body Else’s stuff and stuff that has nothing to do with this life away from your current situation and just helps you focus on the problem.

I find dealing with deep stuff that has happened to me or stuff that I have done as a result there must be NO BLAME for youor any one elsa, NO EXCUSES, just recognition of how you feel and what it is you need to let go. A little thing I want you to remember Oprah always says this You are not your past but the possibility of your great great future.

I follow these steps when an issue arises

1. when you feel horrible like you explained try and figure out where in your body it is coming from and focus on it, mine usually sits in my throat
2. next ask yourself when you remember the first time you felt like this once you figure that out it will take you back to the event where your brain has linked up theses events in your life to show you what its is you needed to learn
3. Forgive the situation let it go feel it leave your body I write blogs or letters to the people telling them I forgive them you can read my forgive blog to get the idea. (I know when I was told to forgive I said well how do you forgive its not like you take two liters of water and some lavender and there you have a forgiveness solution, forgiveness is a place you come to to let the experience go in a channeling from Jesus in a book called the Light shall set you free by DR. Norma milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCume Jeuss said recognize the person who has done you wrong as your best friend as they have brought you to a point of learning and an opportunity to move up the evolutionary scale. Don’t allow you ego to change this for you.
4. you are recognizing what it is you had to learn form that experiencing in forgiving you are letting go
5. Now go back to were it hurts emotionally and forgive let it go your way if it comes back again just feel it and recognize that it is no longer yours that you have dealt with it and let it go
6. Breathing is a big thing it connects you to the divine big deep breaths hold them in and hold them when you let them out it helps release a lot.

Below is an exert form the pleiadian work book awaking your divine ka by amorah qaun yin just giving you a bigger picture of whats going on today and why things are where they are with you, if you need me to elaborate on the above feel free

Love and Light
Remember what ever you are now you are that and GREATER
You are not your past but the possibility of your great great future

“First of all, according to the PEL, every human on Earth by that time, must have come to understand and accept four evolutionary principles:

(1) Our purpose here is to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

(2) Every human being has a Divine Essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness.

(3) Free Will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender its Free Will to Divine Will in faith and trust.

(4) All of natural existence is sacred beyond how it serves or meets the needs of the individual self.

Secondly, a minimum of 144,000 individuals must have become enlightened, and then have gone to the next spiritual level, which is Christ consciousness. This is what I call "The Second Coming of Christ en masse." The Ka Channels and Template, part of the Pleiadian Lightwork system, must be cleared and fully functional in order for the Christ-self, or Master Presence, to descend into and blend with our human bodies. Becoming aligned continually with our higher-dimensional aspects through the ninth-dimension is a necessary prerequisite to the physical descension of our Christ-selves. This leads to the permanent anchoring of the Pillar of Light into our third-dimensional reality, as well.

Third, we must have cleared all of our karmic patterns and issues in all of our bodies: the emotional body, mental body, physical body, and spiritual body. This requires the transformation and release of all cellular miasms and mutations, including those caused by chemicals, toxins, and genetics.

Fourth, we must become impeccable. Again, this includes all of our energy bodies. We can no longer afford the luxury of negative thinking, polluting of the Earth and our bodies, judgmentalness, denial, or "I'll worry about that tomorrow" kind of thinking. When we observe a thought or pattern of behavior that is not in the highest, we must immediately stop and change it. Spiritual laziness and procrastination are no longer options for those who wish to be among the forerunners, the Christed ones.”

Submitted on WOS by Linkes

posted by Color Goddess at 6:22 PM


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Spirit - The Stallion within

I have loved the movie "Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron" since the very first time I saw it. I have a young daughter and we watch all the new kid movies, but this movie is much more than that. I've seen it a dozen times, and every time, it touches me more.

A male friend came over one time during our viewing, and mouthed off to my husband that "it's just a chick flick" (because it has to do with horses).

Well, I don't know about that; I've always loved unicorns, but I don't feel the connection to horses like my daughter does (or I haven't discover it yet).

No, Spirit - The Stallion of the Cimarron, is much more than that to me. It touches me within. It touches my soul.

I just got the soundtrack tonight, and as I listen to it, I think I can hear some negative voice in the background say, "it all sounds the same". My answer is, "Yes! It's a soundtrack! Each song is a representation of something that happened to the character of the movie! --- From his voice and tone!" And each time I hear a part of any song, I can see the eyes of Spirit; see and feel what he was thinking.... what he went thru... what lessons he learned. I feel them. I learn them. They touch me.

To me this movie is a Spiritual Journey, not just for Spirit the horse, but for the viewer; like me.

Bright Blessings!

posted by Color Goddess at 5:17 PM


It's been awhile since I've posted here, but I've found these AWESOME FREE ebooks for teaching values and spirituality to children.

Visit Teaching Values by clicking here! Click on Children's eBook's; but please note the first eBook link (The Not so Foolish Fairy), does NOT work.

I have only downloaded and read "Secret of the Flowers", but if the other ebooks are anything like one, I HIGHLY recommend them. There are even lesson ideas and activities to further instill the lessons into the child's heart.


posted by Color Goddess at 11:48 AM


God, Almighty, what is it I must learn from this?

He is always doing stuff for the fire department I get mad because the others take thier kids yet he doesn't take A. Yes he does lots with her, but the stuff that would be really fun for her, it seems she gets left out. When she was little it was always, "the insurance doesn't cover her". Now there's a couple in the fire department and they even bring their kid(S) to the training meetings. I know he has to live his own life; to find his Self, and I must live my own to find my Self, but it seems our daughter gets left out on things she could be included in, that would only enhance her Self in this life experience. There aren't any friends close by for her to play with; all she has are her goats. Her dad said that was all he had was his pets, so he must think that is good enough for her to sit her all day either watching movies or playing with the goats/dogs/cats (or cleaning house; in his dream world). Maybe I should ask him, did he having only pets for friends? How does he think that affected his life? Is that what he wants for his daughter?

I want him to watch the movie Dreamer, I want him to see his daughter in that little girl. I want him to see himself in the dad. It is so obvious. He walked by the other day as it was playing and was interested enough, to ask, "What movie is this?," and I told him. Since I had already mentioned it to him that I wanted him to watch it, I guess he dismissed it as an uworthy "girly movie".

Are these things I should even worry about? Shouldn't I be concentrating on myself? My Inner Self? I try but there is so little, and now no alone time. All time is not mine and constantly interupted. I know these are excuses, but I must find the answers to be able to look within.


posted by Color Goddess at 6:18 PM


My little Book Fairy with a blinking light the shape of rice, made me take notice of this page:

The Indigo Children
Page 216

So, due to my experience, my best advice to those concerned with INdigos is to be understanding. Indigos simply and truly need your love and support, but we can't be healthy if you shove feelings of separation at us. We need to know that we are lvoed, supported, and important. Knowing this, we will have the power to be who we truly are, withou being ashamed of being "different." I don't know how many times I wished for just one thing: for someone to tell me that they loved me and I was special. Not in a condescending way, but in an empowering way that would give me the feeling I had a great purpose here, as we all do.

We can't be helped by others pointing at us and saying "Ooh, that's one of those INdigos. Wow! Let's put them on display." Please, instead let us know that it's really okay to be who we are, and just love us for that - who we truly are - that's it. Simply pu, the song that describes it best is "All You Need Is Love" - true for everyone, not just INdigos. That song should be the theme for the planet right now, because love is all we're truly here to achieve - Heaven on Earth is more than just a childlike dream or imagination - the imagination is where it all begins. Heaven on Earth is a reality, althouhgt not everyone can see it yet. Indigos are part of the grou who can see it. It's already here, so believe it and it is so!

posted by Color Goddess at 6:13 PM



Beloved Abundantia … Damara … Dana … Ganesh … Lakshmi … and Sedna … thank you for the abundant supply in my life, overflowing with beautiful opportunities for me to express my Divine Light so that others may benefit as well. Thank you for the peace, happiness and love you bring me. Thank you for all of the time and energy that I have to fulfill my dreams and desires. Thank you for the abundant financial support and supply. I gratefully accept all of your gifts and ask that you keep them coming.

posted by Color Goddess at 6:11 PM


Friday, March 17, 2006

I AM is Truly Tested

It is so easy to read Kryon and get so caught up in the beautiful "you are dearly loved" statements. It's so beautiful to realize this is just an illusion; that the beauty lies in Heaven when we return, or should we become enlightened here on earth, we will live with happiness and peace until we Return Home.

THEN, the illusion smacks you in the face. Some things Must be endured.

At that time it may seem there is not an 'I AM', only 'I'. And only 'I' must endure this. But 'I' was wrong there are others involved and they must also Endure.

Let me explain the incident.

My husbands’ truck broke down today.... And he was pulling his Dump Trailer. The only option, after contacting friends who weren't available to help was that I had come to town and pull my husbands truck AND trailer home. This may sound easy to you 'guys'. Gender issues aside, try and remember your FIRST experience... because this was My First.

I own a F150. My husband was driving his F350-- and don't forget that huge dump trailer. I also have my 7-year-old curious, yet happy daughter in the back seat, commenting and asking questions- Frequently. Never mind this is slightly after 5pm on a Friday afternoon on a Curvy Ranch Road in the Country.

My truck has a horrible time pulling this monstrosity and people pass me in double lines and blind curves - with on coming traffic speeding at them. My heart is pounding. I am able to pull over a couple of times to let people go by, but down the road a few miles, there are no safe places to pull over. So the cars pile up, my truck sounds like it's stressing too... but then I've never driven it in ‘overdrive’ - so I'm not even sure if I'm driving it correctly- am I giving it to much gas- or not enough? Am I going to slow or too fast?

Once I thought my husband put the brakes on abruptly, but apparently somehow I let some slack get in the chain and then it caught. It tugged on me so hard my seat belt choked my neck. I hate seatbelts anyway; I'm short and my breasts seem to somehow make the seatbelt go across my neck instead of my chest. This abrupt jerk of the truck and the seat belt across my neck brings me to tears, which from minor EMT training I realize I am probably in a state of shock.... So I remind myself to BREATHE! By this time my husband must see my reflection in my own mirror that I am in distress and motions for me to pull over. He asked "What’s wrong?" I embarrassingly say, "It was just the seatbelt choked me when you put on the brakes"... Then he explained he didn't put on the brakes, that slack must have gotten in the chain and "Are You both ok?" Oops almost forgot about the kiddo for a few seconds, oh yeah she's fine.

Before hubby gets back in his truck he reminds me about pulling into our gate. He says be sure to swing wide before we get to the drive. And don’t put on your brakes at all, I’ll do that. Just keep going. Okay, now something else to worry about.

We get going again. People pass unsafely again, I can't help it and pray that they see I'm white knuckled behind the wheel so they don't cuss as they go by.

I can just hear them, I AM them, I probably Have Been them.... I would be cussing, saying "why are these stupid people going so slow, why are they trying to tow this vehicle at this time of day on Friday? I'm in a hurry to get home, I'm tired and have worked all week! Get out of my way you stupid people!!"

Even when you know the truth behind the veil, you still must Endure. We are all the same, we are all In Lesson, and we are all One.

My lesson is different than your lesson. Sometimes though, our lessons intertwine with one another.

For that reason, I SHALL REMEMBER THAT -

When I safely pass your vehicle while you tow your husband home, I will see your white knuckles and love you. I will send calming thoughts to your heart and pray your Journey Safe until you reach Home.

Enlightened wishes to you, and Love and Light Always.

posted by Color Goddess at 4:12 PM


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Twisted Magnetic Fields in DNA Form

In AOL news today, there was report of twisted mangetic fields that appear in the form of a DNA strand.... could this be a sign from Kryon of Magnetic Service?

Read the article click here.

posted by Color Goddess at 11:11 AM


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Review of "Medicine Woman"

My friend Cina, shared yet another wonderful book with me: Medicine Woman by Lynn Andrews.

I was truly meant to read this book; it ties in with so many wonderful books that I have read:
Clan of the Cave Bear (Well, all of the 'Earth's Childrens' series by Jean M Auel)
First North American Series by W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
Kryon series
and a few others I can't think of right now.

Medicine Woman is a story of a young woman that loves collecting Native American art. One day she is visiting an art gallery and notices a picture of a basket, called the "marriage basket". She's rushed out before she can obtain information about it, or purchase it. Upon contacted the gallery the next day, they state they never had such and picture at the gallery. After many real nightmares about the marriage baskets she questions and new native american friend about it, and is given information on how to find it. Her journey leads her to Canada where she goes through a new birth of herself, learns the meaning of life, and goes through many terrifying experiences on her journey.

Other Testimonies include:

"Medicine Woman is the autobiographical account of a woman's search for identity in a Native America culture ... What begins as a search for a Native American marriage basket becomes Lynn Andrew's often terrifying journey into the wilderness of Manitoba, where inexplicable events and dangerous encounters serve as testing grounds for Lynn's spiritual journey ... In light of this odyssey, one wonders if Carlos Casteneda and Lynn Andrews have not initiated a new genre of contemporary literature: Visionary Autobiography." - San Francisco Review of Books

"Medicine Woman has to do with the meaning of life, the role of women, and the wrestling of power away from the forces of evil that hold it." - Los Angeles Times

"Medicine Woman is a well-written, powerful, and exciting tale of the author's apprenticeship with a medicine woman ... As in the Casteneda books, it weaves teachings of shamanic philosophy into the telling of the story." - Circle

"Lynn Andrews celebrates the power of female spirituality ... Her dramatic retelling of shamanistic wisdom and ancient Indian philosophy is rich in authentic detail." - The Victoria Advocate

For those on your journey to enlightenment, this is another book you really need to read. Kryon states that we need to learn from the Native Americans, as they have a good understanding of the world beyond the veil. Get it now:

posted by Color Goddess at 11:18 AM


Color Goddess
Location: Texas

Happily married mom of one elementary age daughter whom I homeschool. *~Sharing God's Divine Love with my Brother's and Sisters~*

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Previous Posts
Mayan Calendar Readings
Past Life Regression
Spirit - The Stallion within
Spritual Teachings for Children
Sometimes I get so mad at my husband...
Indigo Children Exerpt
Prayer for Abundance
I AM is Truly Tested
Twisted Magnetic Fields in DNA Form

March 2006
June 2006
February 2007
April 2007
May 2007

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