Kryon Lightworker

Kryon's definition of a Lightworker is "a Human who realizes that there’s more to life than has been seen in 3D reality, and therefore is trying to increase his or her awareness by spiritual means. There are as many Lightworker “types” as there are Humans. Some are in the discovery stage and some are in the active stage of having identified themselves, and have moved to a place where they’re able to increase their vibration, and therefore affect the very dirt of the planet...."


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#1 Question of the Day

Friday, June 02, 2006

Indigo Children Exerpt

My little Book Fairy with a blinking light the shape of rice, made me take notice of this page:

The Indigo Children
Page 216

So, due to my experience, my best advice to those concerned with INdigos is to be understanding. Indigos simply and truly need your love and support, but we can't be healthy if you shove feelings of separation at us. We need to know that we are lvoed, supported, and important. Knowing this, we will have the power to be who we truly are, withou being ashamed of being "different." I don't know how many times I wished for just one thing: for someone to tell me that they loved me and I was special. Not in a condescending way, but in an empowering way that would give me the feeling I had a great purpose here, as we all do.

We can't be helped by others pointing at us and saying "Ooh, that's one of those INdigos. Wow! Let's put them on display." Please, instead let us know that it's really okay to be who we are, and just love us for that - who we truly are - that's it. Simply pu, the song that describes it best is "All You Need Is Love" - true for everyone, not just INdigos. That song should be the theme for the planet right now, because love is all we're truly here to achieve - Heaven on Earth is more than just a childlike dream or imagination - the imagination is where it all begins. Heaven on Earth is a reality, althouhgt not everyone can see it yet. Indigos are part of the grou who can see it. It's already here, so believe it and it is so!

posted by Color Goddess at 6:13 PM

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Color Goddess
Location: Texas

Happily married mom of one elementary age daughter whom I homeschool. *~Sharing God's Divine Love with my Brother's and Sisters~*

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Prayer for Abundance
I AM is Truly Tested
Twisted Magnetic Fields in DNA Form
Review of "Medicine Woman"
Human Reaction to Kids
Colored Shadow Experience....
Book III introduced me to Garden Fairies
"Don't Think Like a Human" says Kryon
Kryon Book 1 "The End Times"
The Disappearance of the Universe

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