Kryon LightworkerKryon's definition of a Lightworker is "a Human who realizes that there’s more to life than has been seen in 3D reality, and therefore is trying to increase his or her awareness by spiritual means. There are as many Lightworker “types” as there are Humans. Some are in the discovery stage and some are in the active stage of having identified themselves, and have moved to a place where they’re able to increase their vibration, and therefore affect the very dirt of the planet...." | ||||
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Firstly you need to let go of all the other stuff like past life stuff others peoples energy that you are storing like for example every time you go out into public and are not protected or have boundaries you can be a sponge for other peoples thoughts and negativity (hey I think we have all been there). Another thing is entities from the lower astrals some entities are things we have created and just hang around in the lower astral dimension (remember every thought you have is a creation) lost souls, or just bad tthings who feed off your negative emotion that’s how they survive through your ego. The way to form healthy boundaries is as follows (I have recorded meditations for these will send it to you if you want) 1. ground yourself, should be done daily ( this helps you stay focused on you not anyone Elsa) 2. clear you aura should be done daily ( this takes away what is not yours and gives you protection an extra boost) 3. surround yourself with protection should be done daily ( this is a definite all the time make sure you have healthy boarders up, this stops unwanted attachments) 4. Clear you spinal pathway (this stops the stronger entities and helps with your connection to God). Should be done once a week or when you feel heavy. 5. Get rid of your past life its pretty easy all you do when you go to bed is say a pray something like God please clear any thing I am hanging onto from my past life I have been there and experienced it and now it is time for me to move on and just let it go if you make a big deal about it it will be a big deal to lets go but I believe the past is our past why sit on it and try and figure out how to solve it when we don’t even live in that life any more. (do this once you don’t need to do it again just have faith that God is taken it from you and let it be) 6. Cut Cord with those around you remember cords of love can never be cut I also have a few meditations relating to cutting cord that I have recorded by amorah quan yin using rose so once again if you want them let me know These steps will get you ready for the real work these steps will take every body Else’s stuff and stuff that has nothing to do with this life away from your current situation and just helps you focus on the problem. I find dealing with deep stuff that has happened to me or stuff that I have done as a result there must be NO BLAME for youor any one elsa, NO EXCUSES, just recognition of how you feel and what it is you need to let go. A little thing I want you to remember Oprah always says this You are not your past but the possibility of your great great future. I follow these steps when an issue arises 1. when you feel horrible like you explained try and figure out where in your body it is coming from and focus on it, mine usually sits in my throat 2. next ask yourself when you remember the first time you felt like this once you figure that out it will take you back to the event where your brain has linked up theses events in your life to show you what its is you needed to learn 3. Forgive the situation let it go feel it leave your body I write blogs or letters to the people telling them I forgive them you can read my forgive blog to get the idea. (I know when I was told to forgive I said well how do you forgive its not like you take two liters of water and some lavender and there you have a forgiveness solution, forgiveness is a place you come to to let the experience go in a channeling from Jesus in a book called the Light shall set you free by DR. Norma milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCume Jeuss said recognize the person who has done you wrong as your best friend as they have brought you to a point of learning and an opportunity to move up the evolutionary scale. Don’t allow you ego to change this for you. 4. you are recognizing what it is you had to learn form that experiencing in forgiving you are letting go 5. Now go back to were it hurts emotionally and forgive let it go your way if it comes back again just feel it and recognize that it is no longer yours that you have dealt with it and let it go 6. Breathing is a big thing it connects you to the divine big deep breaths hold them in and hold them when you let them out it helps release a lot. Below is an exert form the pleiadian work book awaking your divine ka by amorah qaun yin just giving you a bigger picture of whats going on today and why things are where they are with you, if you need me to elaborate on the above feel free Love and Light Remember what ever you are now you are that and GREATER You are not your past but the possibility of your great great future “First of all, according to the PEL, every human on Earth by that time, must have come to understand and accept four evolutionary principles: (1) Our purpose here is to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. (2) Every human being has a Divine Essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness. (3) Free Will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender its Free Will to Divine Will in faith and trust. (4) All of natural existence is sacred beyond how it serves or meets the needs of the individual self. Secondly, a minimum of 144,000 individuals must have become enlightened, and then have gone to the next spiritual level, which is Christ consciousness. This is what I call "The Second Coming of Christ en masse." The Ka Channels and Template, part of the Pleiadian Lightwork system, must be cleared and fully functional in order for the Christ-self, or Master Presence, to descend into and blend with our human bodies. Becoming aligned continually with our higher-dimensional aspects through the ninth-dimension is a necessary prerequisite to the physical descension of our Christ-selves. This leads to the permanent anchoring of the Pillar of Light into our third-dimensional reality, as well. Third, we must have cleared all of our karmic patterns and issues in all of our bodies: the emotional body, mental body, physical body, and spiritual body. This requires the transformation and release of all cellular miasms and mutations, including those caused by chemicals, toxins, and genetics. Fourth, we must become impeccable. Again, this includes all of our energy bodies. We can no longer afford the luxury of negative thinking, polluting of the Earth and our bodies, judgmentalness, denial, or "I'll worry about that tomorrow" kind of thinking. When we observe a thought or pattern of behavior that is not in the highest, we must immediately stop and change it. Spiritual laziness and procrastination are no longer options for those who wish to be among the forerunners, the Christed ones.” Submitted on WOS by Linkes posted by Color Goddess at 6:22 PM 0 Comments:Post a Comment |
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Happily married mom of one elementary age daughter whom I homeschool. *~Sharing God's Divine Love with my Brother's and Sisters~* View My Profile
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